Ayana Hanbich Lee는 추상주의 화가로서, 뉴욕에서 순수미술을 전공한 후 미국과 국제 무대에서 활발하게 전시 활동을 이어가고 있다. 그녀는 '시간의 본질'에 대한 탐구를 화폭에 담아내려 하며, 작업 과정에서 드러나는 시퀀스를 통해 사유를 시각적으로 구현해낸다.
작가의 작업은 물질성과 시간성을 동시에 다루는 기법이 독특한 특징이다. 캔버스 위에 겹을 쌓아 올리는 동시에, 표면을 부분적으로 삭제하거나 에칭하여 원래라면 은폐되었을 이전의 흔적을 드러내고, 이를 최종 작품의 일부로서 의도적으로 담아내어 서로 다른 시간들의 층위를 형성한다. 이로 인해 작품은 단순한 결과물이 아닌, 작품이 만들어지는 과정 자체를 포함하는 일종의 ‘제작 필름(making-film)’이면서도 완결된 예술 작품으로 존재한다.
To read more: Artist statement (click)
2017 Cooper union for the Advancement of Science and Art | Bachelor of Fine Arts (NYC, US)
2024 Solo Exhibition, ‘Till’ | Woopy Gallery, Samgchungdong Seoul, KR
2024 ‘The Value 2024’ | CICA museum, Gimpo, KR
2023 Solo Exhibition, ‘Six Seven Eight’ | Euljiro Bincan, Seoul, KR
2023 Televised 10+ artworks on k-drama, “Moon in the Day”
2023 16th Sulsong International Art Fair | EumSeong Art Cultural Center, KR
2023 Group Exhibition, ‘Vol. 202305’ | Apgujeong Bincan, Seoul, KR
2023 Solo Exhibition, ‘Pressed: layers of time’| Woopy Gallery, Samgchungdong Seoul, KR
2023 ‘Familiar&Strange’ Art Exhibition | Holy Art Gallery. London. The U.K.
2023 4th Edition, ‘The New Artist’ | Boomer Gallery. London. The U.K.
2022 Solo Exhibition, “At Heart”|Woopy Gallery at SamgChungdong, Seoul, Korea
2018 Asia Week Exhibition, “A Wave of Peace From Korea to the World.”|Gallery Korea at the Korean Cultural Center New York. NYC, US
2017 Olympic Special Art Exhibition, “Passion. Connected”|Gallery Korea at the Korean Cultural Center New York. NYC, US
2017 Asia International Art Festival|Hyogo Prefecture Citizen’s Hall, International Exhibition Hall. Hyogo, Japan
2016 Dot Dot Thought, Solo Senior Exhibition show|Cooper Union, Great Hall Gallery. NYC, US
Curated by Natalie Bell at New Museum, Joanna Song at Waterfall Mansion Gallery
2015 Korea and China Contemporary Art Fair in Shanghai|Shanghai Zhoupu Art Gallery. Shanghai, China
2015 2nd Annual Korea World Art Competition & Special Exhibition|Cheongju Korea Cultural Center Exhibition Hall. Cheongju, Korea
2013 Eumseong International Art Festival|Eumseong Cultural Center Exhibition Hall. Eumseong, Korea
2013 Shanghai International Exhibition of Modern Art|Shanghai Zhoupu Art Gallery. Shanghai, China
2024 https://art-culture.co.kr/magazine_art/1065
2018 https://www.koreanculture.org/gallery-korea/2018/3/14/passion-continued-a-wave-of-peace-from-korea-to-the-world
2017 http://www.usnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=47237
Artist talk at Seoul International School
ayanalee.art@gmail.com | @ayanalee.art